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Have you noticed that Dick Tracy, Inspector Gadget and James Bond had one special thing in common? Any guesses?................
Yes, a watch that doubled as a computer, two-way radio, mapping device or television.
The Future Smart Watch
This device was only a reality in science fiction comics and spy movies But, this “smart watch” might soon become a reality, in the form of a curved glass device made by Apple. At present, Apple is experimenting with wristwatch-like devices made of curved glass, according to inside news from Apple Corporation, such a watch would operate on Apple's iOS platform and stand apart from competitors based on the company's understanding of how such glass can curve around the human body.
Apple declining to comment on this new product, but this arouses the curiosity among people for sure; If the company does release such a product,
What would it look like?
Would it include Siri, the voice assistant?
Would it have Apple's map software, offering real-time directions to people walking down the street?
Would it include hi-res color display (Retina Display?) 
Could it receive text messages?
Could it monitor a user's health or daily activity?
How much will it cost?
And, could Timothy D. Cook, Apple's chief executive, be wearing one right now, whispering to his wrist to get some things done?
Though it is hard to say when Apple will unveil this new product, but sure that they have the technology and capability to do it.
Last year, the makers of the ultra-tough Gorilla Glass which is used in the iPhone, announced that it had solved the difficult engineering challenge of creating bendable glass, called Willow Glass, that can flop as easily as a piece of  paper without breaking.And according to them, this type of glass can certainly be wrapped around a cylindrical object and that could be someone's wrist.
If smartphones ultimately do become smart watches and smart glasses, Apple seems to have the technology to make standout wearable computers which will be a great win for them over the other tech-giants all over the world like Samsung or Sony.
So it seems like Apple is on the verge of designing a smart way to be on time. Are you ready to be punctual smartly?
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