Showing posts with label Android Apps. Show all posts

The Google Translator app has new features thanks to an exciting new update. Users can now choose the texts of photographs and so they translated directly through the app. The function can be used on all Android smartphones and tables that at least version 2.3 (Gingerbread) have. Moreover, the app now recognizes some Japanese characters at the same time. The Google Translator app can be downloaded for free in the Google Play Store. The app is also seen in our selection of the best Android Google Apps.

Teamviewer has released a new updated version of its popular applications. Teamviewer 7 allows you to transfer data and files from your PC or Mac to your Android device and vice versa. You can establish a connection to a large protected PC or Mac and have immediate access to it. This makes it possible to quickly help with friends or coworkers with computer problems. Furthermore, the application of free for private use instantly allows you to retrieve data from your PC or Mac This is especially useful for those who are moving all the time. Simply use your Android smartphone or tablet to get this very important document on your home computer. Of course, the application also comes in handy when you want to load music or pictures to your smartphone without using a USB cable.

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