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In Munich, Germany recently ruled that Apple can ask for an injunction against Motorola phones and tablets, due to the demands of "rubber-banding" patent infringement. This "rubber band system" patent is basically an effect that can cause the device to recover the page after a user has hit the bottom of the screen like a patent recently stated rebound against Samsung.Neobvyklá thing about this story is actually Motorola acknowledge the alleged patent infringement in April, but then recanted and denied any violation later, in August. As a result, Apple has several options on the table for sebe.Společnost can: 1) pay $ 32 million to enforce a ban would not be permanent and will be open until further notice, 2) to pay an additional $ 12.9 million to force Motorola to get rid of any of the products listed in patent infringement or 3) pay an additional $ 12.9 million of other committees follow a German withdrawal of all Motorola products that violate Apple patents.

Naturally Motorola (and Google) can only shrug rameny.Mluvčí Motorola is quoted as saying Motorola believes "it will have minimal impact on our business, if any." This is because, after all Motorola is doing significant business in the German markets and in essence, the possibility of prohibiting the sale "would have minimal impact on its overall brand. Nevertheless, if you have Android manufacturer, may be a matter of serious concern., After everything that happened recently, Apple certainly did not intend to leave your foot off the gas in the short term against anything and everything Android.

Source: CNet
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